The Bradford Wallet
A Small Wallet with a Bigger Purpose
KELLY-TOOKE is proud to introduce the Bradford Wallet. The creation of this piece was inspired by a young man in our family, Brad Whitmer, who was unexpectedly diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma.
To honor his journey and give others the chance to reach remission, just as he has, a portion of the proceeds of this wallet will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
We can't thank you enough for helping us support LLS.
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) is dedicated to fighting blood cancer worldwide. The LLS's mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
Read Brad’s story below.

Stronger Together, in Sickness and in Health
Brad and I got married on October 19, 2019 and five days later, on October 24th, we were told Brad’s swollen arm was the result of grapefruit sized mass in his chest.
It was quickly identified as T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, a cancer described as a rare, aggressive form of non – Hodgkins lymphoma. In our first year of marriage we battled through chemotherapy, radiation and ultimately a stem cell transplant.
It brings me the greatest joy to share that Brad is doing great, in recovery and more importantly, in remission.

Although this journey was nothing short of challenging, it has given us an irreplaceable perspective, shown us the value of an unshakable support system and introduced us to a brand new community of people.
Our hope has been that we would find a way to use this unimaginable experience for the good of others which is what led us to the idea of creating The Bradford, a wallet designed by Brad with the goal of giving back to an organization dedicated to fighting this ugly disease, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Thanks to our incredible family, our dream became a reality and with your help we hope to have The Bradford wallet in everyone’s pockets.

We hope you love the new Bradford Wallet, and that sharing Brad and Natalie’s journey has brought more awareness, light, and hope to you and to those currently fighting cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
To read the full story, visit Brad and Natalie's blog: